Rename question to something else
I would like to replace the word “question” that appears in your theme by the word “argument”. But I dont know how to do it. So I am looking for the file, where the word “question” is saved so that I can replace it anywhere in the theme? I already went trough some files but I havent found it.
Can you help me on that?
Many thanks and greetings from Germany,
Hello Dorothee,
You can simply achieve this by using WP translations.
- Edit ap.pot in language folder using
- Save as “ap-xx_XX.po”. replace xx_XX with your active language. like if your site language is English US (en_US) then file name will be ap-en_US.po
This will solve your issue. And avoid changing core plugin files directly.
Hello Geetika,
the plugin is already translated in German, thats not the point. I want to rename certain words, not translate them. If I just choose to translate them, then the english word “question” will be translated in the German word for question. But I want another word there instead of question regardless the language. Do you know what I mean?