Filter for featured questions only

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Hi, How do I filter using Question_Query only for featured or not featured questions?
I currently use this code:
 $args = array(
        ‘ap_order_by’ => ‘oldest’,
        ‘showposts’ => 3

    $loop = new Question_Query($args);

Question is closed for new answers.
Selected answer as best

Hello Orlin,
At the moment this is not supported in Question_Query. But you can do a custom mysql query to get only featured questions. You can see more detail
Will add this filter in our upcoming release.

Selected answer as best

Great. In the meantime, we were able to just do a regular query ordered by oldest and limit it with showposts to top 3 questions. This seems to work, ssuming there are at least three featured questions, because the featured are returned first by default and sorted separately from the rest.