Description #
Delete temporary media which are older then today.
Source #
File: includes/upload.php
public static function cron_delete_temp_attachments() { global $wpdb; $posts = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT ID, post_author, post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'attachment' AND post_title='_ap_temp_media' AND post_date <= CURDATE()" ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB $authors = array(); if ( $posts ) { foreach ( (array) $posts as $_post ) { wp_delete_attachment( $_post->ID, true ); ap_update_post_attach_ids( $_post->post_parent ); $authors[] = $_post->post_author; } // Update temporary attachment counts of a user. foreach ( (array) array_unique( $authors ) as $author ) { ap_update_user_temp_media_count( $author ); } } // Delete all temporary files. $uploads = wp_upload_dir(); $files = glob( $uploads['basedir'] . '/anspress-temp/*' ); $interval = strtotime( '-2 hours' ); // Make sure WP_Filesystem is loaded. if ( ! function_exists( 'WP_Filesystem' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'; } // Initialize WP_Filesystem. if ( ! \WP_Filesystem() ) { // Unable to initialize WP_Filesystem, handle error accordingly. return; } global $wp_filesystem; if ( $files ) { foreach ( $files as $file ) { if ( filemtime( $file ) <= $interval ) { $wp_filesystem->delete( $file ); } } } }
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