
Description #

Process ajax trash posts callback.

Source #

File: includes/ajax-hooks.php

	public static function toggle_delete_post() {
		$post_id = (int) ap_sanitize_unslash( 'post_id', 'request' );

		$failed_response = array(
			'success'  => false,
			'snackbar' => array( 'message' => __( 'Unable to trash this post', 'anspress-question-answer' ) ),

		if ( ! anspress_verify_nonce( 'trash_post_' . $post_id ) ) {
			ap_ajax_json( $failed_response );

		$post = ap_get_post( $post_id );

		$post_type = 'question' === $post->post_type ? __( 'Question', 'anspress-question-answer' ) : __( 'Answer', 'anspress-question-answer' );

		if ( 'trash' === $post->post_status ) {
			if ( ! ap_user_can_restore( $post ) ) {
				ap_ajax_json( $failed_response );

			wp_untrash_post( $post->ID );

					'success'     => true,
					'action'      => array(
						'active' => false,
						'label'  => __( 'Delete', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
						'title'  => sprintf(
							/* Translators: %s Question or Answer post type label for deleting a question or answer. */
							__( 'Delete this %s (can be restored again)', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
							( 'question' === $post->post_type ) ? esc_html__( 'question', 'anspress-question-answer' ) : esc_html__( 'answer', 'anspress-question-answer' )
					// translators: %s post type.
					'snackbar'    => array( 'message' => sprintf( __( '%s is restored', 'anspress-question-answer' ), $post_type ) ),
					'newStatus'   => 'publish',
					'postmessage' => ap_get_post_status_message( $post_id ),

		if ( ! ap_user_can_delete_post( $post_id ) ) {
			ap_ajax_json( $failed_response );

		// Delete lock feature.
		// Do not allow post to be trashed if defined time elapsed.
		if ( ( time() > ( get_the_time( 'U', $post->ID ) + (int) ap_opt( 'disable_delete_after' ) ) ) && ! is_super_admin() ) {
					'success'  => false,
					// translators: %s is human time difference.
					'snackbar' => array( 'message' => sprintf( __( 'This post was created %s, hence you cannot trash it', 'anspress-question-answer' ), ap_human_time( get_the_time( 'U', $post->ID ) ) ) ),

		wp_trash_post( $post_id );

				'success'     => true,
				'action'      => array(
					'active' => true,
					'label'  => __( 'Undelete', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
					'title'  => sprintf(
						/* Translators: %s Question or Answer post type label for restoring a question or answer. */
						__( 'Restore this %s', 'anspress-question-answer' ),
						( 'question' === $post->post_type ) ? esc_html__( 'question', 'anspress-question-answer' ) : esc_html__( 'answer', 'anspress-question-answer' )
				// translators: %s is post type.
				'snackbar'    => array( 'message' => sprintf( __( '%s is trashed', 'anspress-question-answer' ), $post_type ) ),
				'newStatus'   => 'trash',
				'postmessage' => ap_get_post_status_message( $post_id ),

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