
This function has been deprecated.


Description #

Output option tab nav.

Changelog #

4.1.0This function has been deprecated.

Source #

File: includes/deprecated.php

function ap_options_nav() {
	_deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.1.0' );

	$groups = ap_get_option_groups();
	$active = ap_sanitize_unslash( 'option_page', 'p' ) ? ap_sanitize_unslash( 'option_page', 'p' ) : 'general';
	$menus  = array();
	$icons  = array(
		'general'    => 'apicon-home',
		'layout'     => 'apicon-eye',
		'pages'      => 'apicon-pin',
		'question'   => 'apicon-question',
		'users'      => 'apicon-users',
		'permission' => 'apicon-lock',
		'moderate'   => 'apicon-flag',
		'roles'      => 'apicon-user',
		'categories' => 'apicon-category',
		'tags'       => 'apicon-tag',
		'labels'     => 'apicon-tag',

	foreach ( (array) $groups as $k => $args ) {
		$link        = admin_url( "admin.php?page=anspress_options&option_page={$k}" );
		$icon        = isset( $icons[ $k ] ) ? esc_attr( $icons[ $k ] ) : 'apicon-gear';
		$menus[ $k ] = array(
			'title' => $args['title'],
			'link'  => $link,
			'icon'  => $icon,

	 * Filter is applied before showing option tab navigation.
	 * @var array
	 * @since  2.0.0
	$menus = apply_filters( 'ap_option_tab_nav', $menus );

	$o = '<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">';

	foreach ( (array) $menus as $k => $m ) {
		$class = ! empty( $m['class'] ) ? ' ' . $m['class'] : '';
		$o    .= '<a href="' . esc_url( $m['link'] ) . '" class="nav-tab ap-user-menu-' . esc_attr( $k . $class ) . ( $active === $k ? '  nav-tab-active' : '' ) . '"><i class="' . $m['icon'] . '"></i>' . esc_attr( $m['title'] ) . '</a>';

	$o .= '</h2>';

	echo $o; // xss okay.

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