
Description #

Holds all hooks related to frontend layout/theme

Source #

File: includes/class-theme.php

class AnsPress_Theme {
	 * Function get called on init
	public static function init_actions() {
		// Register anspress shortcode.
		add_shortcode( 'anspress', array( AnsPress_BasePage_Shortcode::get_instance(), 'anspress_sc' ) );

		// Register question shortcode.
		add_shortcode( 'question', array( AnsPress_Question_Shortcode::get_instance(), 'anspress_question_sc' ) );

	 * The main filter used for theme compatibility and displaying custom AnsPress
	 * theme files.
	 * @param string $template Current template file.
	 * @return string Template file to use.
	 * @since 4.2.0
	public static function template_include( $template = '' ) {
		return apply_filters( 'ap_template_include', $template );

	 * Reset main query vars and filter 'the_content' to output a AnsPress
	 * template part as needed.
	 * @param string $template Template name.
	 * @return string
	 * @since 4.2.0
	public static function template_include_theme_compat( $template = '' ) {
		if ( ap_current_page( 'question' ) ) {
			echo '<div class="anspress" id="anspress">';
			echo '</div>';
			$html = ob_get_clean();

					'ID'             => get_question_id(),
					'post_title'     => get_the_title( get_question_id() ),
					'post_author'    => get_post_field( 'post_author', get_question_id() ),
					'post_date'      => get_post_field( 'post_date', get_question_id() ),
					'post_content'   => $html,
					'post_type'      => 'question',
					'post_status'    => get_post_status( get_question_id() ),
					'is_single'      => true,
					'comment_status' => 'closed',

		if ( true === anspress()->theme_compat->active ) {
			ap_remove_all_filters( 'the_content' );

		return $template;

	 * AnsPress theme function as like WordPress theme function.
	 * @return void
	public static function includes_theme() {
		require_once ap_get_theme_location( 'functions.php' );

	 * Add answer-seleted class in post_class.
	 * @param  array $classes Post class attribute.
	 * @return array
	 * @since 2.0.1
	 * @since 4.1.8 Fixes #426: Undefined property `post_type`.
	public static function question_answer_post_class( $classes ) {
		global $post;

		if ( ! $post ) {
			return $classes;

		if ( 'question' === $post->post_type ) {
			if ( ap_have_answer_selected( $post->ID ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'answer-selected';

			if ( ap_is_featured_question( $post->ID ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'featured-question';

			$classes[] = 'answer-count-' . ap_get_answers_count();
		} elseif ( 'answer' === $post->post_type ) {
			if ( ap_is_selected( $post->ID ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'best-answer';

			if ( ! ap_user_can_read_answer( $post ) ) {
				$classes[] = 'no-permission';

		return $classes;

	 * Add anspress classes to body.
	 * @param  array $classes Body class attribute.
	 * @return array
	 * @since 2.0.1
	public static function body_class( $classes ) {
		// Add anspress class to body.
		if ( is_anspress() ) {
			$classes[] = 'anspress-content';
			$classes[] = 'ap-page-' . ap_current_page();

		return $classes;

	 * Filter wp_title.
	 * @param string $title WP page title.
	 * @return string
	 * @since 4.1.1 Do not override title of all pages except single question.
	public static function ap_title( $title ) {
		if ( is_anspress() ) {
			remove_filter( 'wp_title', array( __CLASS__, 'ap_title' ) );

			if ( is_question() ) {
				return ap_question_title_with_solved_prefix() . ' | ';

		return $title;

	 * Filter document_title_parts.
	 * @param  array $title The document title parts.
	 * @return array
	 * @since 4.4.0
	public static function ap_title_parts( $title ) {
		if ( is_anspress() ) {
			remove_filter( 'document_title_parts', array( __CLASS__, 'ap_title_parts' ) );

			if ( is_question() ) {
				$title['title'] = ap_question_title_with_solved_prefix();

		return $title;

	 * Add default before body sidebar in AnsPress contents
	public static function ap_before_html_body() {
		if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
			$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
			$data         = array(
				'user_login'   => $current_user->data->user_login,
				'display_name' => $current_user->data->display_name,
				'user_email'   => $current_user->data->user_email,
				'avatar'       => get_avatar( $current_user->ID ),
				<script type="text/javascript">
					apCurrentUser = <?php echo wp_json_encode( $data ); ?>;
		dynamic_sidebar( 'ap-before' );

	 * Add feed and links in HEAD of the document
	 * @since 4.1.0 Removed question sortlink override.
	public static function wp_head() {
		if ( ap_current_page( 'base' ) ) {
			$q_feed = get_post_type_archive_feed_link( 'question' );
			$a_feed = get_post_type_archive_feed_link( 'answer' );
			echo '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Question Feed', 'anspress-question-answer' ) . '" href="' . esc_url( $q_feed ) . '" />';
			echo '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="' . esc_attr__( 'Answers Feed', 'anspress-question-answer' ) . '" href="' . esc_url( $a_feed ) . '" />';

	 * Ajax callback for post actions dropdown.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	public static function post_actions() {
		$post_id = (int) ap_sanitize_unslash( 'post_id', 'r' );

		if ( ! check_ajax_referer( 'post-actions-' . $post_id, 'nonce', false ) || ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
			ap_ajax_json( 'something_wrong' );

				'success' => true,
				'actions' => ap_post_actions( $post_id ),

	 * Shows lists of attachments of a question
	public static function question_attachments() {
		if ( ap_have_attach() ) {
			include ap_get_theme_location( 'attachments.php' );

	 * Check if anspress.php file exists in theme. If exists
	 * then load this template for AnsPress.
	 * @param  string $template Template.
	 * @return string
	 * @since  3.0.0
	 * @since  4.1.0 Give priority to page templates and then anspress.php and lastly fallback to page.php.
	 * @since  4.1.1 Load single question template if exists.
	public static function anspress_basepage_template( $template ) {
		if ( is_anspress() ) {
			$templates = array( 'anspress.php', 'page.php', 'singular.php', 'index.php' );

			if ( function_exists( 'wp_is_block_theme' ) && wp_is_block_theme() ) {
				$templates = array();

			if ( is_page() ) {
				$_post = get_queried_object();

				array_unshift( $templates, 'page-' . $_post->ID . '.php' );
				array_unshift( $templates, 'page-' . $_post->post_name . '.php' );

				$page_template = get_post_meta( $_post->ID, '_wp_page_template', true );

				if ( ! empty( $page_template ) && 'default' !== $page_template ) {
					array_unshift( $templates, $page_template );
			} elseif ( is_single() ) {
				$_post = get_queried_object();

				array_unshift( $templates, 'single-' . $_post->ID . '.php' );
				array_unshift( $templates, 'single-' . $_post->post_name . '.php' );
				array_unshift( $templates, 'single-' . $_post->post_type . '.php' );
			} elseif ( is_tax() ) {
				$_term     = get_queried_object();
				$term_type = str_replace( 'question_', '', $_term->taxonomy );
				array_unshift( $templates, 'anspress-' . $term_type . '.php' );

			$new_template = locate_template( $templates );

			if ( '' !== $new_template ) {
				return $new_template;

		return $template;

	 * Generate question excerpt if there is not any already.
	 * @param string      $excerpt Default excerpt.
	 * @param object|null $post    WP_Post object.
	 * @return string
	 * @since 4.1.0
	public static function get_the_excerpt( $excerpt, $post = null ) {
		$post = get_post( $post );

		if ( 'question' === $post->post_type ) {
			if ( get_query_var( 'answer_id' ) ) {
				$post = ap_get_post( get_query_var( 'answer_id' ) );

			// Check if excerpt exists.
			if ( ! empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) {
				return $post->post_excerpt;

			$excerpt_length = apply_filters( 'excerpt_length', 55 );
			$excerpt_more   = apply_filters( 'excerpt_more', ' [&hellip;]' );
			return wp_trim_words( $post->post_content, $excerpt_length, $excerpt_more );

		return $excerpt;

	 * Remove hentry class from question, answers and main pages .
	 * @param array   $post_classes Post classes.
	 * @param array   $class_name        An array of additional classes added to the post.
	 * @param integer $post_id      Post ID.
	 * @return array
	 * @since 4.1.0
	public static function remove_hentry_class( $post_classes, $class_name, $post_id ) {
		$_post = ap_get_post( $post_id );

		if ( $_post && ( in_array( $_post->post_type, array( 'answer', 'question' ), true ) || in_array( $_post->ID, ap_main_pages_id() ) ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.StrictInArray.MissingTrueStrict
			return array_diff( $post_classes, array( 'hentry' ) );

		return $post_classes;

	 * Callback for showing content below question and answer.
	 * @return void
	 * @since 4.1.2
	public static function after_question_content() {
		echo ap_post_status_badge(); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput.OutputNotEscaped

		$_post    = ap_get_post();
		$activity = ap_recent_activity( null, false );

		if ( ! empty( $activity ) ) {
			echo '<div class="ap-post-updated"><i class="apicon-clock"></i>' . wp_kses_post( $activity ) . '</div>';

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