Working with AdSense

Solved5.57K viewsThemes

Is there any widget or any settings you would suggest, that can work with out of the box with adsense ads. My 95% users visit only from mobile, so keeping the code in Text-widget in siderbar didn’t suit me.

So, at present I have modified –

1. home.php to show a responsive Ad on top of questions list.

2. question.php to show a single responsive ad only after question.

I was wondering is there any easier way to put a single ad on all AskBug pages, or will I have to edit all rest of the pages, like users, categories etc. If it’s the later one, then I am only interested in one page, which I am unable to find, i.e. the one which shows list of questions. Which part of the code is it?



For showing ads above questions list you can use AP Before widget position. If you want a position in all pages you can simply register a widget position in header.php. Read Widget API doc.


I’m using the following WordPress plugin with my website (Anspress included) and from all i have tried, that is the best IMHO.

Last updated 8 months ago?

Probably. It has zero issues with 4.3.1 and also with the upcoming PHP 7. I use it to 3 WP sites, since i practically make half of my living from ads. Also the developer is EXTREMELY responding and helful.

OK, I will give it a shot. I have tried about 5 so far with AnsPress/AskBug and to say I was not impressed would be a gross understatement. This is one area I am really surprised by the poor quality of plugins available in the repository.

@Terence, after your test it, just write your opinion also.

I am just setting it up now on 4.3.1 + PHP7.0 RC4

I think we must be talking at cross-purposes because this looks like AdSense only, and that’s not what I want. I want to run graphic ads from affiliate networks and sponsors interstertial and also on widgets.