Where is Subscribers button

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Hi. I put an email in subscribe field. Then go to admin panel > User > Subscribers

And I can not find this email. Why?


Did not understood.

On my website I have subscribe field, where user could put his email. Where to locate this email into system?
Check footer. (Subscribe for updates)


This field have nothing to do with AnsPress functionality.

It may either not work at all, or work some weird way. For example, it may possibly just email your wordpress site admin, the email user enters there. If your mailing system is not set up, all entered emails are lost forever.

I’ve tried to subscribe and nothing happened. Most probably that’s a mock “you can have your subscription field here, but you must implement it yourself”.

(do not mean to harass, but it’s weird getting this kind of questions from author of site described as “A website where you can ask wordpress related questions and get answers.”

I just thought this feature is working by default. Are u sure we need to implement it by ourselfs?
I mean that it should have keep such emails somewhere.

I am not sure. All I can see is this http://4.stefantsov.com/s/?2015.12.02_19.29.05_ll2z0373.png

Judging by the (html of this widget, can’t paste it here and can’t include second screenshot or anspress will think im spambot and this comment will never appear), it’s not even handled anywhere. Data just being thrown there in a GET request.

Of course I’m not encouraging you to implement it yourself. There are plenty great solutions to handle subscriptions. I’m using MailPoet.

Still need to wait @Rahul response, maybe he’ll say there’s some functionality in AnsPress plugin, or your paid theme, which handles subscriptions somehow. I doubt it.

hat widget is just a placeholder, I agree with @Dima about using MailPoet. MailPoet is fantastic piece of plugin for subscriptions.