where can other users see best answer and accepted answer ?

Solved5.95K viewsWordPressAnspress wordpress

I have integrated anspress in my website. And while i select answer as best answer, other user can not see it…

Can you tell me did i miss any setting from admin?

Can you provide complete documentation where i can learn about how to use plugin and its feature?

Thanks in advance..!!!


Please give me link to a question with best answer, I will check.

Documentation is not ready yet, will be added soon.

I am preparing website in my local server so i can not provide link.i want to know on single question page, does visitor can see best answer?

Yes, why not. Best answer are meant for public 🙂

can you guide me where can i see best answer as visitor? on single page and on question listing page?


Other answer in this question is best answer, it has a title called Best Answer and green background.