What database tables/entries does Anspress add?

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…and how do I manually remove them?

Removing the database stuff with the plugin files via the system didn’t work. I had to delete the plugin using FTP, but Anspress stuff still shows up in other plugins.

Where are the Anspress tables/entries in the database? I get nothing when I search on “Anspress” – that could be a problem with my phpmyadmin installation as well…

Are these all Anspress tables that I can safely remove?







Use this


to clean up unused db tables. But BACKUP FIRST.

edited comment on answer

It would be nice if that worked, but it is a 3 year old plugin that identifies several hundred database tables in my multisite installation as “unused”.

@peter yes, it doesn’t work right (from what i read) for multi-site. But for a single WP it works just great. great.

If I had followed your self-declared “Best Answer” it would have fried my installation. Using a 3 year old plugin for something like this is asking for trouble in general.

@Peter_Verkooijen What a RUDE comment.

I didn’t self-declare anything, i can’t do that. Maybe Rahul or some admin did..

I’m just user trying to help. But it seems that i shouldn’t.

Also if you have followed my suggestion WITHOUT a backup first, then you have no idea about WP and the risks. Nobody plays with db without a backup. Never, no matter how old or new a plugin is.


Hi Peter,

You might wanna check WP Sweep if the plugin Cagliostro recommended doesn’t fit your needs. I never tested it with a multisite install, so check first if it’s working well in such an environment. Same recommendation as Cagliostro though, back up first! And, if possible, test it in a staging environment. ?

Just an other user trying to help. Please do not hold me responsible if you do decide to use this plugin and it breaks your site. ?

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