Version 2.4 development started – focused on core code improvent

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Hello everyone,

We getting ready for development for version 2.4, so let us know about your feature request and bugs. This version is focused on improving existing features, codes and code standards.

Contribution are warmly welcomed from github pull.

If your request is already in our roadmap then please do not post a duplicate request.
View the code on Gist.

When will be released 2.4?

1. i have double titles
2. how to connect to facebook, after you already make an account with email?

what about utf_8 slugs in categories and tags extensions?

@terrence double title where ?
Not sure about it ask “WP Social login” author about it.

On my categories, tags and questions

I think you have missed instructions 🙂 anyway just edit base page and set template as “anspress page”


Hi AWESOME team!

Thanks a lot!

Please add:

1- “SI reCAPTCHA” plugin supporting

2- RTL CSS file

3- “Excludeing custom words” ability



4- An ability that superadmin be able to add a custom reward point/reputation to custom user as a reward.

5- Add a new layout to online/active/populate users widget “that admin be able to select showing Avatar-Only or Default (avatar+name+reputation)”.

Thanks again



6- Add flagging to comments.

7- Please move “Categories title” from “layot” to “categories”/”pages”.

8- Please create a field for tags page title

2 will be added

Thanks but any plans for 1 and 2?

NO, not yet. We will think about it.

thanks, but “3- Excludeing custom words ability” is very important!!!!!

Yes of course it is, but we will not add this to current roadmap may be in next release?

However THANKS!

Please move “Categories title” from “layot” to “categories”/”pages”.
Please create a field for tags page title

Ok this two are added to roadmap

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