Version 2.0: Question page will look like this

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Here is an screenshot of question page in version 2.0.
Let me know what you think.


Please add an (optional) WYSIWYG editor, as in DW Question & Answer. This is something that’s missing in AnsPress, and currently is preventing me from using AnsPress on my websites.

Yes, Anspress dev must realize that Anspress will not be used for Code Q&A but for Generic Q&A. For anything. So a more friendly editor is a MUST.

ok sure it will be enabled again 🙂

Great idea to make it an option in the settings to go simple editor or WYSIWYG. Ability to make posts more complex with embedding youtube videos, etc. could be really great.


Looks great!

What I really like:
– the “Posted in” + category: it will encourage users to check other questions and let them know where they are if they directly arrive on the question page (simple but really GREAT addition);
– the heart icon and round background encourages user to interact and vote/favorite the question (don’t know which one it is);
– I don’t use tags but if I do one day, they are really well displayed there;
– the separation between “Best Answer” and “other Answers” is much clearer now.

I just can’t wait to try this baby out!!

Thanks for the feedback. heart button is favorite button (you can say heart button as follow button, if anyone one who have not participated in question and he favorite the question then he will also receive notification about questions).
Working on user page at the moment, bit overloaded 😐

I’m sure you are. Try to rest a bit too, we can wait. 😀

I completely agree with all of Fred’s points. I think the ‘POSTED IN’ at the top is a great addition. You want users to stay on your site and having that prompts them to click to see more questions in that category. It also emphasizes that the site is organized, with the new ‘categories’ page you can really keep things clean and organized by topics, which is a big improvement.

Heart icon is great to let people favorite question threads and easily come back to them later. Is it possible for users to have it email them when there are updates only to the questions they have favorited? (Sort of like being able to ‘subscribe’ to a question to get notified of replies).


I just hope the “DELETE” option can be restricted or turned off. Otherwise users can delete the whole thread.

Maybe keep the Delete available to the original poster of the question for a limited timeframe (example: 2 hours) and then turn off.

I am re-coding permission things of AnsPress, first let 2.0 preview ready, then we will discuss in deeper about permissions.


Can you remove that posted in health(category).That is not good.

its just a test 🙂

I think it’s a great additional to include (see my comment above about why it’s good). If some don’t like it, maybe have it as a settings option to turn it off. But I’m definitely going to keep it because it emphasizes the categories and organization of your site – and you can direct users to the new categories page which is excellent.


Nice and clean. Great job! How would a user upvote an answer here?

Voting button below avatar 🙂
once you vote then your active vote type is highlighted.
Like you have voted up, then down vote will be hidden.
Initially both vote buttons are shown.


Nice design , hope can test it soon

Indeed 🙂 Working in full speed.