User profile problem

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When I always lick to go to user profile about page or profile it return me with 504 or take to much time to load.

it load sometime and some time return 504. it happen many times. it take at least 3-5 minutes.



glad you solved that issue.
for the other one, try first to add this line just after the one you added:

define('WP_CACHE', true);

if that one didn’t fix it tr the following so we can see what is causing it

1 – delete the error_log file

2 – go to the pageĀ  that causing the issue

3 – copy the error log message and past it here

Ok, let give it a try. Thanks

Hi Man, is now fixed. Thanks for all your time.

you are welcome.

Good to know, @prince tell us how did you solved the issue, It will help other community member. Cheers.


ok so from your log error you seems to bypass the limit of allowed memory, there are several ways to increase it one that would be simple for you is to use the wp-config.php file (on your wordpress root directory)

Add the following before any file includes

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );

if it doesn’t work then you have to contact your hosting provider they must be not allowing php memory increase.

hoep this could be helpful

I locate the file wp-config.php but I don’t get your saying
” before any file includes”
you mean I should add it from the beginning of the i.e before this “<?php" or what?

I just added it this way

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );

hope am right.

Yes, now I solved this! I

//increase wp memory limit
define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M' );

Remain only one issue, as I stated earlier the problem is on ABOUT & PROFILE page from the user_profile, so now PROFILE page is fix, but ABOUT page is still unresolved, it keep loading and cause internet connection to stop responding. Sorry for too many questions @jdev and @rahul


log error would help, it might be a redirect loop so try first to update your permalinks and save, even without any changes just press the save button.

I found error log in my hosting file manager, error_log and with about 104MB size on anspress folder, and I found another one in public_html with only 453 bytes.

Didn’t work again

a 104 MB log is weired you can try the following :
1 – if you need that log download it to your llocal machine, if not go to step 2
2 – delete that file

after deleting it, try to access the page where you had that error,
if the errors goes away i may sa that your server has issues trying to log more error on your BIG SIZE file

other wise you will get a more signifiant error that you can copy paste here so we can help.

post the 5 recent log from error, that will be enough. And enable permalink as jdev said, I check your site, permalink was disabled.

I followed all what you have said @jdev and @rahul but the problem is still unsolved.

Below is the recent error_log as Rahul suggested:

[01-Jul-2015 06:41:18 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 39583744 bytes) in /home/princefaqx/public_html/ on line 592

Thank you for all your time on this.


Please post the last error log.

the image I uploaded is the last error log 504 GATE AWAY

I mean PHP error log, by looking at log I can say the reason of this issue.

Where to find this PHP error log?