User Profile menu doesn’t display correctly.

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This is how the menu looks like from most of the screens.


However, when I visit someone else’s profile and then click on the menu, it changes to below. This should not be the case. The menu should always reflect the first screenshot.

Ruhul is right, I reported it several days ago.


This is a bug and I am aware of it, and already reported .

Will be fixed soon (scheduled for upcoming release).

Thanks for the update Rahul!


@rahularyan , @Azman , @RajdeepSingh

(Excuse me, this is a comment in fact but I was forced to post this for image.)

(In my opinion) this issue happens only when you visit another users profiles&pages. That time, options of your drop-down menu sets on horizontal menu of his pages, but your drop-down menu links to your pages correctly. and obviously, logout button on horizontal menu is for you (I’m Einstein ? )

please see my drop-down on Azman profile (thanks to Azman ? ):


Don’t really understand what is your problem ? The fact that you have less options in the second view ?

please see my answer and see uploaded image.

How were you able to add the “logout” option? Thanks!