User Notification – Most awaited feature is alomst ready
Hello Friends,
I am bit excited and happy about the notification system of AnsPress. Most awaited feature and important feature for AnsPress sites. This feature is added to AnsPress core. One can easily add notification dropdown to any menu, simply add User notification from AnsPress pages and all done. After doing some testing I will push code to GitHub.
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Enough bluffing :D, here is the screenshot:

Ajax is not suitable for realtime. And its it will exhaust your server resource. Push technology is really awesome and its meant for realtime. As every enduser cannot install nodejs on their server so will handle dirty works for us. Visit their website if you want to know about it. if you dont want to use then you have to setup node.js in your server.

Awesome! Just keep going to implement such awesome features!!!
I think using a 3rd party for that is not good. I have no idea who Ajax seems a better idea.