Uncaught syntax error message upon question submission

6.31K viewsIssues

Every time I try to submit a question I get these error messages in the console.

Usually the question appear for moderation.

However there is no Error messages like when you validate a form nor successful submission response appear on the site.

The ? tooltip doesn’t work either.




Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of inputa.ajax.success @ anspress.min.js?ver=2.4.8:1j @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2k.

fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2x

@ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:5b @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:5 anspress.min.js?ver=2.4.8:1

  1. Object
    1. __proto__:Object
      1. __defineGetter__:__defineGetter__()
      2. __defineSetter__:__defineSetter__()
      3. __lookupGetter__:__lookupGetter__()
      4. __lookupSetter__:__lookupSetter__()
      5. constructor:Object()
      6. hasOwnProperty:hasOwnProperty()
      7. isPrototypeOf:isPrototypeOf()
      8. propertyIsEnumerable:propertyIsEnumerable()
      9. toLocaleString:toLocaleString()
      10. toString:toString()
      11. valueOf:valueOf()
      12. get __proto__:get __proto__()
      13. set __proto__:set __proto__()


Thank you! 🙂

It would help if you (and everyone) posts also Anspress version they run.

I agree with @Cagliostro. Will add a custom field for version.


the latest: Version 2.4.8

commented on answer

Please show us ajax response.

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