Ultimate member, WP user frontend pro – addon and anspress

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I recently added Anspress having been testing a few other Q&A plugins on my site. I think it’s great but I am struggling with using it with Ultimate member and WP user frontend pro.

I had been using Ultimate member with WP user frontend pro and the addon which integrates the two.  This allows people to see what posts they have added. When Anspress is activated, rather than still have the Ultimate member profile it is replaced with the Anspress one. Is there a way to disable this but allow the questions the users have added and answered to appear on the Ultimate Member user profile page?




Yes you can, this has been answered many times so kindly use search.

Hi Rahul
Before asking the question I went through every post on Ultimate Member. None of them answer or resolve my query. All it says is that it is possible to use the two together but actually my problem is that Anspress is replacing ultimate member profiles. I want to turn off Anspress profiles, and add in users question and answers to the Ultimate member profile. So unless I’m missing a post I cannot see the answer to this anywhere.


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