suggeston on voting button and vote system

6.56K viewsCore

Hello folks,
Working on new theme design, but I am bit confused about voting button placement.
So please suggest me where I should place it ?

1. Below user avatar
2. Float right side
3. After post content

And any suggestion on voting system are welcome.


I suggest at the end of the post content. I think it is more natural to the user to read the answer and then have the trigger at the end. But on mobile the float right side, if it doesn’t take too much space over the widgets, would be the best option I think. Will it be a custom option for the admin to choose? 😀

+1 for @Toni suggestion! Actually, I really like the new position you chose in redesign. Just after the content, at the bottom. It makes sense and is naturally going with readers’ reading flow. It reminds me of a “card layout”: everything related in one block. Under the avatar is nice… if you are used to this kind of system. Otherwise, you might just not see it. ^^;


if you can make it float to the right and when scroll it scroll with the question that will be the best soultion
postion fixed after scroll using jquery then un fixed when scroll hits the answer div then answer vote will be position:fixed
if not
why not after the question and under the avatar its easy i think every rating and sharing plugin does this 😀
any way thats my opinion

Thanks shady for suggesting, I am trying all combinations


Well, normally I like it as following -> “Below user avatar” (best, easy to notice) >>> Float right side >> After post content (Lazy users wont goto bottom, just for voting).
But ultimately, it depends on your theme.
It would be good, if there is option to customize its placement in the theme itself 😛

BTW, because of captcha, it doesn’t login from header login option (throws error – Captcha code is invalid.)


I like below the avatar too, but when there is less content in question then it look like voting is taking much space :(, anyway I am trying all position and use the best one.