Reputation points not working?

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I didn’t change anything on the reputation page. It doesn’t seem to be giving anyone reputation points?

Example: It shows 0 Rep for this user:

…sample of my admin reputation page, you can see the user above should have gotten 3*2=6pts for questions and 5*10=50pts for total 56pts for his actions:


I have this problem too, even I enable or disable Reputation, it not working, I reinstall XAMP and creat a new default theme but it still not work. What should i do? Please help me.

edited comment on answer

ok I found it, You should check your reputation.php function dude, it not work in 3.1 beta. I have to copy all code from reputation.php in 2.6 version then replace in my 3.1 version and it work. Hope you give me a full code that you fixed. Regards.

This problem even exist in latest version..i ll gonna copy page old code

Tnks its it have effect over other functions

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