Reputation points as numeric values
Hi There,
I’m using reputation points from Anspress along with Userpro plugin. When I list users by reputation points in Userpro, everything works as expected. However, when I want to order the list by rep points descending, points are consider as strings and not numbers. For example those points:
23, 43, 123
will be ordered like this:
123, 23, 43
when it should show:
123, 43, 23
the reason being that first character is considered for the sorting….
Any thoughts on how I can easily convert Reputation points to numeric values??
cast(meta.value as unsigned)
Use this in your MySql query. Here is an example:
Why are you replacing AnsPress query..? you should replace in your query. Update your question with your query code.
Thanks Rahul, however it doesn’t seem to work. I replaced this in my Anspress user-class.php file:
public function user_sort_by_reputation($query)
if (isset($query->query_vars[‘ap_query’]) && $query->query_vars[‘ap_query’] == ‘user_sort_by_reputation’) {
global $wpdb;
$query->query_orderby = ‘ORDER BY cast(mt1.meta_value AS DECIMAL) DESC’;
return $query;
by this as per your recommendations:
public function user_sort_by_reputation($query) {
global $wpdb;
if ( isset( $query->query_vars[‘ap_query’] ) ) {
$query->query_where = $query->query_where.” AND (apm1.user_id IS NULL OR ( apm1.meta_value != 1) )”;
$query->query_from = $query->query_from. ” LEFT JOIN {$wpdb->usermeta} AS apm1 ON ( {$wpdb->users}.ID = apm1.user_id AND apm1.meta_key = ‘hide_profile’ )”;
if ( $query->query_vars[‘ap_query’] == ‘user_sort_by_reputation’ ) {
$query->query_orderby = ‘ORDER BY cast(mt1.meta_value AS DECIMAL) DESC’;
return $query;