Remove page title on all questions page

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I want to remove the page title on the main questions listing page. I’ve already dealt with the double title issue.

I’m inspect element on the page and seeing how I can hide it via CSS, but I’m seeing that it is not specific enough on the main page and hiding it also hides the page titles on the subpages. I can’t enough specificity to target that one page title since all the subpages (the individual questions, etc) use the same WordPress page ID for display.

Is there anyway to hide the big: AnsPress – Question and answer plugin page title?


Simply override anspress base.php, and remove


Also you can use this condition to check base page:

if(ap_current_page_is() == 'base'){


Is there anyway to hide the big: AnsPress – Question and answer plugin page title?
— AnsPress options -> pages

Okay, I added a base.php to my child theme with the modifications. I’ve placed it in the child theme’s root directory, which is probably not correct. Does AnsPress look for a directory in the theme folder to find the custom template files?

What is the directory structure I need to use?

no add under main theme, anspress look inside main theme. create a anspress folder and copy any file from anspress theme to here.

Nevermind, I found the answer in the FAQ in the repo. I need an ‘anspress’ directory in my theme. Thank you!