Question Title not showing on single question page, why?

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Question Title is not showing on single question page, why?  Thank you.




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i have same issue on my site. i have checked the CSS below solution, but it didn’t work for me. I am using updated version.


Found Custom CSS in two places “Visual Composer” and “VC Extensions” and I assume it doesn’t matter which one I use.  When I pasted in your code I got two errors:

  1. Heading  (h1) should not be qualified Element (h1.entry-title) is overqualified Just use .entry-title without element name
  2. use of !important

Thank you.

commented on answer

Use that one from Visual Composer -> Custom CSS. These are not errors, just warnings. Don’t worry, just Save Changes and check if Titles come back on Anspress pages.

Brilliant! that worked. However I now have to Question titles displayed. I hate X Theme. They change everything to upper case or I just don’t know how to turn that off. See image as a new answer below. But then I also hate goDaddy for keeping me stuck on php 5.4 which prevents me upgrading to Anspress 3.0. Let me count the ways I hate… 🙂

Thank you for your help.

There are two titles, because You have “Show question title in single question page.” turned on. Just switch it off. You can find it in Anspress settings (Anspress -> Options -> Pages -> Show question title).

That fixed it. Thank you. I am starting to see the power of Anspress “Selected Answer” etc. Can’t wait to get 3.0.

Is there a reputation summary/overview report that shows reputation stats related to all users answering/commenting/or posing questions? I have already asked that as a separate question but no response so far.

Thank you.

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