Question regarding Askbug search box

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With the header search box I want to get search result from both questions and from the normal blog posts. How is that possible?

I am considering to buy this theme, so clearing all doubts. Thanks.


Hello Jayanta,

I think all you need is this:

 * Add all CPT to search query.
function anspress_add_cpts_to_search( $query ) {
	// Check if search page.
	if( is_search() ) {
		// Get post types.
		$post_types = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false ], 'objects' );
		$searchable_cpt = array();
		// Add available post types.
		if( $post_types ) {
			foreach( $post_types as $type) {
				$searchable_cpt[] = $type->name;

		$query->set( 'post_type', $searchable_cpt );

	return $query;
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'anspress_add_cpts_to_search' );

Note: this hook includes all CPT in search query. If you want only specific CPT then replace


with array of CPT.

commented on answer

Well, got that. Thank you so much. But what about a quora type live searchbox?

There are already lots of plugin for that purpose. Try searching for “WordPress search suggestion plugin”.