Question page goes 404

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Since latest update my question page goes 404:

BTW: What is the new shortcode for ask page?


As I said already I ahve reverted shortcode to anspress, it means all pagges of anspress will be rendered from base page as before.

Also added AnsPress menu in WP-Menu editor, so you can easily add AnsPress links in your navigation.

So link to ask page will be
or pretty url


I have reverted shortcode to anspress.

What about the 404 error?
And the anspress shortcode is only for question overview, but not for the ask page..

@Zoker, I think you do not need a shortcode for the ask-page.
This URL renders the ask-page correctly in my test env: http://localhost:8080/questions/ask
Even if I do not have a page with the ask-slug.
If you want to navigate to the ask-page via the menu then you should have a page with slug “ask” which has the “questions” page as parent. The “ask” page does not need to have any content (shortcode). It just needs to be there.
@Rahul: please correct me if I’m wrong.

@Zoker: do you use the latest commit? I see you also have the issue that – if you click on the test-question – that you get a “It looks like nothing was found at this location”.

@ResolveThis: Nope, not having a page with an ask in it does not work for me :/ (just try the link)
Yes I use the latest commit and I can not visit the questions pages…

hmmm, maybe it was a bit confusing what I said. Just be sure you have a page with slug “ask” and have the parent set to the page “Questions”. I think it does not matter what the content of the ask page is… I’m not 100% sure though, but it works for me. About the questions detail page: I found an issue and a fix, though I don’t think it is a nice and permanent fix (see, but as long as Rahul does not fix it, it helps me going…

Ok, so I created a page named ask (slug ask) and made a child page of the anspress main page.
When I open this page, I just got a blank page… (Click the “Ask” button

Only if I add this param to the main page, I can reach the ask page: ?ap_page=ask

But yes it give 404 error when you set base page as child page of another, let me fix it.

Yes thats exactly the problem 🙂 If I set it to level 1, all links work fine 🙂