Profile update & Other

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1- Gender, Date of birth or Total Age Count, Country, Marital Status

2- Follow suggestions best on User Activity & Interest or best on his followers (So that you need to add Interest field in user profile either using picker or dropdown or writting separating with comma. in order to connect users with same interest.

3- Ask to Answer. This is direct a request from a user to user, asking a one user to Answer a his question he posted. This will notified the user “LIKE pharouk ask you to answer his question on ………” when  he answered it also to notify the asker and all questions subscribers. It will be great if the Asker give some of his repu to that user as a reward for his Answer. Repu will only be transfer if that user respond to the question. This look like you dont have enough REPU you will not be able to use ASK TO ANSWER. Or you can allow the users to set the REPU of themselves for answering question. it said to be like in profile if any user want to ask me direct question i.e ASK TO ANSWER he/she must spend some REPU.

* Let the users set it as topic by TOPIC

GENERAL – this mean Generally the user to set his general ASK TO ANSWER Repu as 45 REPU for all ASK TO ANSWER system, so that to send direct question to that user,you must gift him a 45 REPU.

BID- If the user set his ASK TO ANSWER as bid, this will allow asker to send any amount to him as starting bid if he accept it that is fine, if not allow him to reply to the the bidder with want he want accept to Answer him that question. let them exchange bid with real time notification

**TOPIC – This will let user show the amount of REPU he will acceept on any topic. So in your profile you should create a field for user to put what topic they will contribute, Like I WILL ANSWER followed by topic or categories e.g

**I WILL ANSWER- Mobile Apps Development: Android, iOS, WordPress, PHP, Python, Business, Startup, etc you can set a limit for a user in completing some part of his profile LIKE in this field. Allow atleast 3-4 I WILL ANSWER topic, you can ask why ?

Because all users want to complete their profile to make it look professional. So let them spend their REPU here to complete their profile.

**RATING – Allow users to rate users with 5 Stars rating system and short testimonial as default. If the user want to get more character spaces for users to rate him let him expand it with his REPU.

**WHO WILL RATE- User hve to select type of users whi will rate him- “ANY, FOLLOWERS, FOLLOWING etc”

even though it looks like REPU is just created for leaderboard, you can use it on this system. It will play a nice game system among users,if you are leading board today you might be fall down tomorrow. Competition is something what people love now a days. if REPU is unchagable What about GOLD, COINS, CARD etc. a lot more to share but don’t want write too much.

Moreover, Add trends is amazing.