Order of answers is not preserved in some cases

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Since it is impossible to make users obey “questions are just questions, answers are answers” logic, users are always posting questions in “answer” field below.

And since AnsPress doesn’t currently have good moderation tools to move user’s answers into a separate question (I did it manually once, I think I have broke a thing or two; have not respected few counters for sure).

I decided to make default sorting of answers: “oldest first”. This way AP acts kind of like a forum. If people ask questions in “answers”, at least it looks not insane after some votes are cast.

But in notifications I’m getting urls like this: http://dima.stefantsov.com/q/kolichestvo-podtyagivaniy-otzhimaniy-na-brusyah/?show_answer=1937#answer_1937#comment-22 and when opened this way, it overrides set sorting rules. You can see it set to “oldest” but latest comment that is linked is at top.

I can see how this behaviour is good for sites where it’s “like stackoverflow.com”. But in my case breaking default sort order doesn’t make sense. Do you think you will do something about it?
I suggest just leaving the “#linked-id” which will automatically scroll to linked question/answer/comment, but will not break default sort order if not explicitly stated in querystring.