Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in … wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1550

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I am working on WordPress 4.7 with AP 3.0.7

I was really happy customizing AP and my website until I tried the workflow with a subscriber profile (role by default in my wp)… and I got this notice msg in the admin (under each menu item):

Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in … wp-admin/includes/plugin.php on line 1550 

(Please note that this this msg didnt show up when I was logged in as an administrator.)

Consequently, I desactivated and I reactivated all plugins and got back to twentyfourteen as theme. I reactivated one by one and then Askbug… The notice seems to come from Anspress core plugin, and is activated until the author role (not for Editor, nor for Admin).

I hope this will be settled with the new update.

I see two ways two solve it on my side: Change role by default (contributor>editor) or prevent the contributors to get in admin panel… but I will look for an answer and eventually post a new question for this.

Cheers, and thanks again for your great work!!!




Have you enabled Debug of WP ? Otherwise such notices/warnings/errors are not shown.

Hello Thierry,
Please show us full debug backtrace


Yes Debug is enabled. A third solution would be to disable it but I managed to prevent the users (except admin) to get to the admin-panel.

I am sorry Rahul, I dont know what is “full debug backtrace” but lets consider this problem solved on my side unless FDB can help you improving the AP (even a lil more)… Then I d be pleased to contribute.

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