NEW Translation ERROR
Dear support.
I still use POEDIT for translation (anspress-question-answer-en_us.po in )
How to translate the buttons, which were not translated into Russian language?
your name
Prove that you are a man
Question name
& other
Please update your .po file with our anspress-question-answer.pot using poeditor (an option called update from source). This will add all newly added strings to your .po file and then you can edit them in poeditor.
Hello, I took your file anspress-question-answer-ru_RU.po in wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/languages/
There are all translated based on it and peresechenii it in the Languages folder of the plugin.
Not working.
Your file .pot, saw it too, but it’s a pattern.
I re-translate?
It’s hard work.
We did so.
Update from POT file
And made a translation.
(Prove that you are a human, etc.)
I said to update from from main pot file not one with suffixed with _ru.
I sent You our PO file.
why don’t you answer on the issue of translation??
It’s very annoying.
Please answer faster.
Our client is not happy!