New notification, subscription and activity system

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Hello Everyone,

We are working on improved notification, subscription and activity system of AnsPress since last month and we think its ready. We are going to release a beta of 2.4.

We have created 4 tables to improve notification system:

ap_activity      - store activity.
ap_activity_meta - store activity meta.
ap_subscriptions - store subscribers.
ap_notifications - store activity notification.

Question, answer and comment notification are improved for better notification. From now on participants will not get notifications of every question activity unless they are following question. Check below:

Asker notification:

  1. Notified for new answers.
  2. Notified for new comment on question.
  3. Notified question edit.
  4. Notified for answer edit.

Answerer notification:

  1. Notified for comments on own answer.
  2. Notified for answer edit.
  3. Notified when answer is selected.

Commenter notification:

  1. Notified for followup comments.
  2. Notified on parent post (answer/question) edit.

Let us know what you think about this improvement.

This is exciting! Great work to you and your team!!


My question is probably somehow related to this changes.

  1. In profile I can see questions and answers. In activity I can see reputation gained for comments as well. But where do I see all person’s comments? It is as essential part of a profile as answers for me.
  2. Upvoting comments. Like, it’s very useful to instantly see which comment worth reading.

If this does not belong here, I can create a new question.

It can be added easily. you simply need a comment query to list all comments of user.

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