New Features | Link to add answer when No answers yet

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my client need have possiblity create answer if No ansers yet from admin when add or edit question.

So i make some easy changes in your plugin admin/meta_box.php use wordpress function for get url, and use ahref to post-new.php?post_type=answer&post_parent=<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?> to create new answer.

So admin user can easy click on this link and quick answer is made. I thing this function will be good for others.


You mean creating new answer from wp-admin questions ?

You can do it, got to new answer and select question to answer for.

No, i know about this function. But this is to time wasting.
Admin will create new question from admin, now he must remember name and go to Answers list, add answer, find Question, click on this question and now he can write answer. It is to many steps.

Easy way is, create new questin from admin and on same page where is table Answers: Not answer yet i add href to create answer to this question. Quick and Easy.
Same is situation when admin look to question list and see 0 answers and he wanna make quick anser no copy name of question, go to answers list, and so on.
Just click edit on this question and click on my new button Create answer in table Answers: Not ansers yet.

Yes of course this feature can be added, so that admin can easily add new answers.