Last avatar misaligned
Out of the box, the last avatar for the user answering overlaps onto the edit box, however it’s aligned correctly on this site. How to fix?
The pic shows a gravatar. There’s no option for the size of the user’s answer avatar but there’s a duplicate option for answer avatar.
This is on the ask page too.
Stacy selected answer
Stacy commented
Stacy commented
I see this is the code in firebug , which file is it in please? and why does it use a base64?
<img class="avatar avatar-70 photo avatar-default" width="55" height="70" srcset="http://ANSPRESS_AVATAR_SRC::An 2x" src="data:image/svg+xml;base64,…
<img class="avatar avatar-70 photo avatar-default" width="55" height="70" srcset="http://ANSPRESS_AVATAR_SRC::An 2x" src="" alt="">
Stacy edited comment on answer
Stacy commented
It says 70 width currently , I pasted the 55 width I ‘d change it to.
Rahul Aryan commented
Look like issue with new responsive image scrset. I will check.
Stacy commented
Please show us screenshot.