Just updated the Categories and Tags extensions and it broke my site

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Gettting a blank white screen for and url. WTF just happened?


Did you updated AnsPress too ? I have reverted shortcode to `anspress` as lots of people are getting confused.

When was the last commit for AnsPress?

Just uploaded the latest AnsPress and it seems like you have changed the structure significantly. Is the current build functional as you mentioned none of the old shortcodes work and I couldn’t see what was required to replace them.

Yes its full functional at the moment, from now you need to use anspress as shortcode and all page content will be rendered by this shortcode.

I think I will wait for a stable version. It has broken most of the Q & A pages on my site. Just too many errors to make it worthwhile at the moment.

Why all those changes and revert backs ? –

Hey guys, AnsPress 2 is still in alpha-state.
It’s best not to use this code in production yet.

guys I have reverted short code because most of user thinks it is a bug :). Just the shortcode is renamed all codes are still same.