Issues with AnsPress 4.0.5

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Hi there,

I’ve found quite a few issues on the plugin. I’m not sure why it is happening so please help. My site is hosted on WP Engine with a staging and production setup.

I’m using AnsPress version 4.0.5 and AskBug theme version 3.0.8

Issue #1

Comments are not loading for questions. See image below:

The ajax call to the load_comments function is returning the following response:

<div id="ap-response">{"success":false,"snackbar":{"message":"Unable to load comments"},"ap_responce":true,"is_ap_ajax":true}</div>

My Guess : The nonce is not matching. Also this works in staging but not in production.

Issue #2

Post Actions are not loading.

The ajax call to the post_actions function returns the following response:

<div id="ap-response">{"message":"Something went wrong, last action failed.","ap_responce":true,"message_type":"error","is_ap_ajax":true}</div>

My Guess: same as issue #1

Issue #3

Bread crumbs in user profile page is not working.

All the profile endpoints point to only one url that is :

This above URL points to an anonymous user profile page.

Issue #4

Edit profile in user profile is not working. The URL on edit profile link is not showing the edit-profile slug, See image Below. I tried to flush rewrite rules by saving permalinks but it didn’t work.

This issue was not present with AnsPress 4.0.0 but is present with AnsPress 4.0.5 so I don’t know if it is an AnsPress issue or an AskBug issue.

Issue #5

Registered date in about me section of profile page is not working. See image below

Please help me in fixing all the above issues asap.



This is the workaround for Issue #3 that I have temporarily put in the functions.php file in my AskBug-child theme.

function fixing_user_profile_page_breadcrumbs($a){

	$current_page = ap_current_page();

	if($current_page == 'user'){
		$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
		$user_id = get_query_var( 'ap_user_id' );
		$title = ap_page_title(); //is in the format <Username> | <profile-sub-page>
		$title = explode('|', $title); 
		$title = $title[1]; // index 1 will contain <profile-sub-page>
		$title = sanitize_title($title); 
		if($current_user->ID === $user_id){
			$a['page']['link'] .= $current_user->user_login.'/'.$title.'/';
			$current_user = get_userdata($user_id);
			$a['page']['link'] .= $current_user->user_login.'/'.$title.'/';
	return $a;

add_filter( 'ap_breadcrumbs', 'fixing_user_profile_page_breadcrumbs',1,10);
edited comment on answer

Hello Lisa,
Thanks for getting back to us again. Not sure why I am not able to replicate same issue in my dev sites. I will check this workaround and apply it to theme. Thanks

Hello Rahul,

Yeah. I’ll try to setup a remote server and install and activate anspress and askbug there. Will give you access to that server and you can see what is causing that issue.

As I said before, the issue seems to be in anspress and not askbug. As per the latest code(Anspress 4.0.5), the ‘ap_get_link_to()’ function is still using the function ‘ap_opt( ‘user_page_slug’ )’ to set the default slug for user profile pages in the ‘$default_pages’ array.

Even though you said that the ‘user_page_slug’ option has been depricated, it is being used in the above function.

I tried using the ‘ap_default_page_slugs’ filter you have placed for the ‘$default_pages’ array to fix the url for the user profile pages. But it seems like the same filter or ‘$default_pages’ array is being used in multiple places like the top-right menu, user profile page nav menu, etc. So I had to finally use the ‘ap_breadcrumbs’ filter to fix the urls for the user profile pages.

You can find the ap_get_link_to() function in WP_PLUGIN_FOLDER/anspress-question-answer/includes/functions.php

Hoping for this thing to get fixed soon.


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