Individual Question Pages are Returning 404 errors

Solved6.84K viewsIssues

Hi Anspress Support,

I’ve recently installed Anspress in my website but for some reason, after updating the “Question page slug” to “q”, all of the individual question pages are returning 404 errors.

Any help would be really appreciated.

Thanks for a great plugin.

selected answer

Please try with different slug, may be q is reserved slug in WP.


Hi Rahul,


Thanks for your reply. I’ve immediately updated the “Question page slug” from “q” into “question” but still it’s showing 404 errors.

Same with /ask and all the URL’s for the profiles e.g., /user, /user/username

edited comment on answer

Try to go to Admin – Permalinks and RESAVE.

If it doesn’t work please post here the EXACT url those pages are pointing (remove your domain if you want).

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