I want to colorize child categories on AnsPress question page

6.25K viewsCore

I am Japanese. This sentence is written using Google Translate.
I am sorry if there was an obscure part.
The category is pulled down on the question page, but even if you make the category a parent-child relationship, the same display is done for both the parent category and the child category.
(There is no case that paragraphs fall down only in the child category …)
I think that I want to display the category of parent-child relationship more clearly,
Is it possible to color only child categories?
I think that “ap.min.js” is controlling, but I did not understand it was difficult.

Answered question

Are you talking about the category shown below?

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He is talking about the category order in the question form. This is really a problem in terms of visuality and functionality. We would be very happy if you provide a solution.

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