I cannot delete your plugin

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I’m trying to delete your plugin and all associated database tables.

I selected “Anspress > Options > Clean DB” checkbox to ensure all database tables will be removed when deleting the plugin.

But when I try and delete it says

“Deletion failed: Are you sure you want to do this?Please try again.”

I have tried many many times and it’s always the same error message.


Hey guys I don’t know how a support system is supposed to work with Q&A, but my comments on the other Answer seem to have gone unnoticed so I’ll post here again in-case it got missed…

I still can’t uninstall your plugin. It gives the same error (see screnshot above).

I now have Version 3.0.7 installed. I am working on localhost ( using bitnami WordPress local installer with port 81.

Any ideas what is happening? If this bug cannot be fixed, can you please tell me how to do a manual clean uninstall (database + all files)?

commented on answer

No its not unnoticed. I released a fix for that. One more people reported same issue. Currently I am unable to replicate same issue. May be its related to your LAMP config. For now delete AnsPress folder and when a new version comes out then install and try uninstall.

Rahul released the fix in 3.0.6: “Fixed: failed to uninstall”

When you view your plugin list, are you sure it’s 3.0.7 that’s showing as version?

Ok, if deleting the DB entries are so important to you, just delete manually the Anspress folder and install some WP plugin that checks and removes the stray DB leftovers.

Also PREVIOUS Anspress versions CRASHED when uninstalling BUT that showed in the debug.log as fatal errors.

Enable debug.log and see what is wrong.

@chad – Yes I have the new version that was supposed to fix the bug (I double checked I have 3.0.7) but it does not work for me. The bug still persists.

@Cagliostro – I deleted the anspress plugin folder, and found a plugin to Drop the databases named wp_ap_activity, wp_ap_activitymeta, wp_ap_meta, wp_ap_notifications, wp_ap_subscribers. Is there anything else I need to do for a clean uninstall?

I think those tables are all of it. Nothing else needs to be removed.

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