https issues as mixed content

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When running the site over https then it reports mixed content.  The images are loaded from not SSL.  The code needs to use // rather than http:// and this will fix the problem.

selected answer

No, it works as expected. No mixed content. Maybe your problem is elsewere,

If I run the site on an EV SSL https gives
The bit where the anspress loads the avatar it does not use // and thus get mixed content.
users-widget.php line 10 echos out the image url for the user, this must be putting it out as http:// rather than //:

Oh, i was only talking about the images in Questions and Answers. I don’t use any widget like you, so i can’t tell.


Hello Guys,

Use wp-force-ssl plugin to fix this. As you can see is also in https, I am using same plugin to fix mixed content warning.

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