having issues with urls

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I have setup the pages and activated the addons for category and profile, but any time I try follow them I get strange behavior.
The archive page works fine: https://jimiwikman.se/fragearkiv/
The post page is ok (need to override some behavior from the theme): https://jimiwikman.se/fragearkiv/fraga/vilket-ar-det-basta-pluginet-for-test-i-jira/
My Profile link give a strange 404 and show blogposts: https://jimiwikman.se/fragearkiv/vara-fragvisa-medlemmar/jimiwikman/
Categories don’t show any items, just the category itself: https://jimiwikman.se/fragearkiv/fragekategori/jira/
Am I doing the settings wrong or is there a conflict with my theme somehow?

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I also have issues with updating the page due to cache it seems…


This could be due to plugin conflict. Can you give me temporary access to check this issue?

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