Google Login not working on this site

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Tried logging in several times as I did before with my Google+ account, which I initially registered here, but can’t due to the API key not authorized for here

Also, where did the Twitter login go to? Facebook is blocked else I would have used that to login.


So social login is being deprecated? That’s sad, as most my users are from social media.

Here’s an idea:

If logged in from Twitter, tweet the person a new answer has been added
If logged in from Google+, mention their user (like YouTube comment) that an answer is available
I’m sure Facebook still gives a correct email, right?

You got it wrong 🙂 I said I have disabled it on my site not AnsPress.


I am disabling social login, cause when user login from it then real email is not imported.

I see you disabled it on your site only, but with the email not pulling through like you said, won’t it make it difficult notifying people with responses on their questions?