Error when upgrating module
You did not understood what I said.
Create a folder called anspress in your active wordpress theme, like:
Now copy files from
to newly created folder. and now AnsPress will look load this file instead of loading from anspress plugin folder.
language file name should be:
If you would like to share this language then send me I will add it to anspress.
I doing same thing for others modules i don’t have lost my language file when updrade
— really ? but I think WordPress remove old plugin before downloading new plugin files.
For the names :
//I doing same thing for others modules i don’t have lost my language file when updrade (It’s localisation plugin who generate this files)
For the theme, i have create an directory like that ? wp-content/theme/anspress/mytheme
But in webUI for configuring anspress my theme doesn’t appear in theme’s select box ?
i’m sorry of course i have create a new folder for my theme…
like that :
and for the language :
/wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer/languages/*.mo / *.po
in fact my probleme is when i upgraded this module whole of directory /wp-content/plugins/anspress-question-answer was dropped.
no no, do not create in anspress-question-answer, but your active WordPress theme folder. What is the name of .po, .mo ?