Category image misfit
Tried a number of photos, seems to not autosize. Keeps showing top half only.
Secondly, adding a category description messes up the alignment and cause a skipped card space.
Thirdly, the sub category pic is slightly off the border.
Fourth, in mobile the subcategories line is off. This seems to be when the title runs into where the subcategory # starts.
I think just a list option for the categories page would be a good feature.
Making the image size 150 to match the default size value doesn’t fix it. Only increasing the size value to 200 in options fits more.
Using the category shortcode [anspress page=categories]in a page where I can set the template to default instead of full shows the images on top of the folder icon ( I guess the categories page takes after the base page’s default since it can’t be edited). The sub category line is still off and two line titles or long descriptions still mess the grid up. The three columns in mobile is still elongated and often breaks the title.
Ironically they fit in mobile view only.