Can’t create new questions in the frontend

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I have installed your plugin in a WordPress 4.0.

After enable it, I try to publish a new question on the frontend with the ask form. When I submitted the form, it remains in the same page with the form empty and it doesn’t create the question.

I can create the questions in the WordPress dashboard, but in the frontend I can’t vote or answer them too.

What could be the problem?

Thanks in advance

Regards, Daniel Moreno


I found it! It was a problem with jQuery, my WP page didn’t have ‘.answers’ class. With this, I can test the plugin features, if I have any problem I will be here another time 🙂

Thank you for your help Rahul

Regards, Daniel

Make sure you theme has this function body_class() in tag

The theme uses another body_class function, but I have added the class ‘answers’ by parameter. Now, the plugin works perfect! Thank you 🙂


I have tried with the admin user and as a normal user. I have the same problem with both users.

I’m really surprised because the plugin doesn’t display any error message

it may be happening due to other plugin, tell us your site link and we will check the issue.


Are you posting as an Admin ? if not then check user have proper role like participants.
You can set default role in WordPress setting, I suggest you to use participants as default role