Can I use this in stead of comments system ?

9.21K viewsCore

Brilliant! Really good work. I was wondering whether there will be a feature to replace wordpress comments with this plugin ?

And what is the relation and purpose of also making the Eazysocial plugin ? Should they work together or what ?

Thanks a lot.


wordpress didnt use this parameter any more default_avatar
so it gaves this error
any way it dosnet afeect any thing this is just used to assign defult avatar for anspress users you can always chose the defult or any memeber that logged i by social login the avatar will be his profile picture


In my discussion settings page this appeared at the bottom:

Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class ‘AP_User’ does not have a method ‘default_avatar’ in /home/***/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 214


For get this.

Downloaded latest – inserted the widget. Seems good. But when I click on Ask a Question … it takes me to the base page where there are no forms to fill out ?

Thanks again for your fast relies.

Sorry My simple mistake.


there is a widget for that purpose just create a widget position in your single page and then drop that widget in your position.
Get the latest version from github.


Thanks for reply – but can I set it automatically to use anspress in stead of comments ? Where can I read about this ? Is it by shortcode or ? What do I do ?

Thanks a lot for quick reply.

I will write a tutorial for you. but its very simple as I said before.


Yes you can, as you can create discussion for each post.
EasySocial is an social network plugin for extended social features. But easy social is not ready yet, but yes combining both plugin you can create a big social site.