Breadcrumbs not showing up on question page

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I’ve added the breadcrumb widget to the “Anspress before” widget area. It shows up on the questions list page and the categories pages, but not on the actual question page. I’ve tried installing it on two separate websites with different themes and the same problem occurs. Any ideas on what to do?

Answered question

Five days and no answer. Is this plugin still maintained?


Hello Oliver,
For some reason ap_before action is not triggered. I will not not be able to investigate, why.
But for now please follow below steps:

  1. Copy single-question.php from AnsPress templates folder.
  2. create a folder in your child theme and name it anspress
  3. Now paste single-question.php in this directory.
  4. Open single-question.php in text editor and add do_action(‘ap_before’) at the top of file after <php tag.
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Thanks for your help Rahul, but it still doesn’t work. Maybe it will work in your new version. Thanks anyway.

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