Avatars not lining up
I’ve been having issues integrating anspress with my theme. I managed to find where to change the overall width, and fixed a clearfix issue for posts, but I’m still having an issue with avatars either stacking or layering on top of each other. Any suggestions on what to edit or add to get them where they are suppose to be?
Example: http://qpsychics.com/center/membership/anspress/question/testing-123/
Rahul Aryan commented
Thanks for letting us know.
Look like clearfix are not being applied. Try once disabling CSS minify.
Theresa_M_Kelly commented
Thanks for the response. Can you give me a hint on how to do this with anspress?
Theresa_M_Kelly commented
Do you mean – define (‘WP_DEBUG’, false); – ? Because it wasn’t set to true.
Found the problem, needed height attribute in main.css
#anspress *:after {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
height: auto;