Attach AVI file

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Can I allow users to attach a small (2M) avi file to a question?

Yes you can. I will answer this question in morning.

Ok. Thank you very much. It is the most important aspect of my forum as all users will be uploading a small AVI file for review from other members. Great service so far! Thanks!

Hi Rahul … sorry to bother you again … are you still able to post the instructions for this? Thanks.

Yeh, will post it, partially written.


Here is the code, you need to improve this a bit like file size etc.. But I will suggest not to allow video upload in WP, instead host on youtube or other video share site.

Thank you very much! Do I just add this to my Plugin folder?

your theme function.php

Hi Rahul, nothing happens when I add the code. In fact, I lose all functionality in the Ask Question field – the text editor, image upload option, etc. are now missing.

The Ask Question field now simply says: Write – No Field Found

updated code.

Hi Rahul … you’re lightning quick!

I am very sorry to keep bothering you, but now the following is happening:
– After asking a question, no question title or link shows up on Questions page. Only ‘Scott asked 1 min ago’. But nothing else.
– Ask will not allow a question to be asked without uploading a file. I still need user to be able to ask a question without uploading a file
– What part of the code would I modify to increase MB if necessary?

No rush. Thank you so much for your amazing support.