Answers to private questions showing up in search

5.08K viewsIssues

Hi! We just installed AnsPress and are testing things out and found some odd functionality.

It looks like if a user posts a Question and marks it as private it correctly hides that question from both the navigation and the search. UPDATE: it looks like the question can be found through search as well.

However, if an admin answers that question I would have expected that answers to be hidden as well. As it is, however it looks like a user not involved in the question can see the answers in the search (though the link does 404 if you try to click on it).

Am I missing a setting or is this just not working as I expect it to?


Which search widget you are using ? default WP or AnsPress ?

I will test AnsPress with default WP search query and will fix it. Thanks for reporting.

I am using the search that is in the top of the AnswerBox theme. I assume that is the AnsPress one.

ahh, ok. I will check