AnsPress 3.0.x bugs

3.70K viewsIssues
  1. There is no way to translate strings for comments (buttons etc.)
  2. If user submits a question he is redirected to that question, but if question is waiting for moderation, then user sees info that he has no permission to view this page. [bad UX]
  3. BuddyPress integration is partial working. So Anspress properly sends info about activities and BP shows them, but BP doesn’t show any notifications for AP actions. In that case integration with BP is simply useless.
  4. Anspress E-mail plugin sends notifications about all comments added on the site, not only these from Q&A.
  5. I was testing q&a by adding question, answers and comments using two kinds of users – an admin and simple user. This is a lottery. If user adds question or answer not always can he add comments, even to his own posts. Sometims he even cannot see some questions, despite having permissions to do that.
  6. There is a option for adding questions and answers as an guest, and then You need to fill the name box, but Your name is not showing afterwards in question box or even in admin panel with listing of all q&a posts. Instead You see only „Anonymous”.


  • There should be a way to disable captcha for some users (with permissions maybe?). Now even an admin or moderator must go through the captcha before any publication, that is ridiculous.
  • When Guest is posting something in the editor, there should be a second input box for his e-mail. Then You can use this email to show avatar (using gravatar function) and for moderation functions (block etc.)
  • There should be a option to moderate posts from admin panel, now You need to go to specific question or answer then manualy set post status.

Also there is no way for Guests to comment, regardless of comment button showing. Clicking it does nothing, there is no comment form.