AnsPress 2.0 – Tags plugin not working?

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I installed the tags plugin from the WordPress Plugin Manager. I am able to create the tags and the tag selection field appears when asking a new questions. But no suggestions pop up while typing. I also see no “lookup” requests in the Google Developer Network tab. When I try to save the question (with existing tag specified) I get Check missing fields and then re-submit. and a red box around the tag field with caption “tag”.

Is there anything I need to do beside installing the plugin and defining the tags in the Tag-section of the AnsPress plugin admin section?


@serhatyucel: the tags plugin is already released in the WordPress plugin repo.
Just go to add plugin page in WordPress Admin and type anspress.
Then install the “Tags for AnsPress” plugin.

As mentioned by Rahul, be sure to have the latest version of AnsPress plugin installed.
You need to download this from github:

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