AnsPress 2.0: New ask question page

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At last ask question page is ready,
Here is the screenshot:


Love the integration of WordPress media and visual editor

yes, its need 😀 BTW I am waiting for your ask page design 🙂


Patience, it’ll be worth it! 🙂


Hey Rahul have you removed the tags option? This is quite an essential feature in my circumstance. Also it would be great if there was an instant search function like this –

no, Tags option is there, just not in screenshot. I am redesigning tags suggestion


So gooood 🙂 But waiting… 🙁

Dear serhatyucel, Yes I know you guys are waiting… and I am doing my best to complete it as soon as possible 🙂 I am also excited to release new version. its a beta version, still I do not wish that you get too much errors, so checking every code before releasing. Hope you can understand 🙂